Residential Roofing

Residential Roofing

Highland Residential Roofing improves your roof through quality labor and material choices. For over three decades we have specialized in roofing of all kinds.  We also offer our roof tune-up service,  saving homeowners time and money in the interim.

Highland Residential Roofing, experts that care about your investment

Products & Services

Highland Residential Roofing is a full-service residential roofing company, including shingle, cedar, and metal roofing services, and they also offer a $295 roof tune-up. Their team is skilled, experienced, and take great pride in providing the highest quality work for our customers. They have had extensive training in roof standards and the science of waterproofing.

Highland Residential Roofing has a record of success based on over three decades of outstanding performance, delivering dependability, longevity and a superior product. When you select Highland Residential Roofing, you’re investing in quality-assured construction methods, unsurpassed performance and reliability.

If you have questions, or are in need of an estimate for your roof, or simply just need to know how much a roof repair costs. All our estimates are free! Schedule your appointment today.